Crucible Data Platform



Scientific Instruments at the Molecular Foundry connected to Crucible


An automated platform for the synthesis and characterization of solution processed thin films

Foundry Scientist: Carolin Sutter-Fella

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  • Fully automated spin coating platform:
    • Dobot M1
    • pipette robot
    • spin coaters
    • 1.5×1.5 mm2 substrates
    • hotplate
    • heatable solution shakers
    • characterization box
    • antisolvent and gas quenching units
  • Inline optical characterization (UV-vis absorption and photoluminescence)
  • Serves the increasing demand for high-throughput experimentations in the field of solution processed semiconductors like lead halide perovskites
  • High level of process flexibility and reproducibility of results
  • Atmosphere condition
  • User friendly GUI to plan and execute experiments

TEC programmable heater system

PLC-controlled 8-way heater/cooler system for setting custom annealing profiles.


SpinBot One Control software (LabView)

SpinBot LabView Screenshot

In order to coordinate LabView and ScopeFoundry software, a TCP socket between software is established

LabView TCP Screenshot

Characterization Software (ScopeFoundry)

Spec Run


Run the full characterization suite: PL, white-light transmission, and photograph for a single sample.

Spec_run screenshot

TEC heater batch program

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Batch Run

Peform a batch run of 8 samples coordinated with the SpinBot Labview software. Configuration of this experiment is in JSON files stored in batch directory.

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Processing and Analysis

SpecRun in Crucible

spec_run datasets are automatically ingested into Crucible and can be viewed on SciCat or accessed via Google Drive.

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Jupyter Notebooks for SpecRun analysis

Coming Soon!